Our company offers a wide range of customized solutions to industrial companies.


Our potential prove the following realizations:

  • Biogas Plant Construction of a comprehensive agricultural biogas plant system with a capacity of 500 kW at the OSM Koło facility. As part of this project, we prepared the complete project documentation, obtained all necessary permits, and then carried out the construction process, including obtaining approvals and permits that allow for the safe operation of the installation.

The main completed elements of the biogas plant include:

  • Construction of the biogas storage tank
  • Biogas utilization installation
  • Biogas conditioning installation
  • Cogeneration unit
  • Transformer station

Investor: Neo Bio Energy Sp. z o.o


  • The PZW Group was responsible for the comprehensive preparation of the project and the professional execution of all sanitary installations and a 197.8 kWp photovoltaic installation in a modern in-vitro laboratory. This task was carried out for the investor, Tuszyńscy Horticultural Farm, which, thanks to our work, was able to benefit from modern technological solutions ensuring efficiency and sustainable development.
    Investor: Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Tuszyńscy


  • Bakery cooling systems for cooling products from the baking temperature to a temperature that allows for slicing and packaging a product under cleanroom conditions. These systems allow bread to be fully cooled according to the speed of the line as well as to maintain positive pressure in the spaces requiring the highest safety during packaging.


  • Heat centers enabling proper receipt of thermal energy from cogeneration and its transfer to receivers. We offer customized energy transfer solutions that have been developed on the basis of many years of observation of systems using waste heat from internal combustion engines. Boasting several years of experience in the transfer of energy from cogeneration to the district heating network, PZW Group can provide comprehensive services within the field of design, supply, commission and service, as well as offers ongoing supervision over the proper function of such a system.
    Realization: SKF Poznań


  • Waste heat recovery installations. We offer a unique installation solution accompanied by individual automation system for heat recovery from baking ovens. The entire solution enables the use of recovered thermal energy and its transfer to the receivers on the site, according to the actual needs during individual hours of plant operation – energy transfer between production shifts. The project received co-financing under the EU project entitled “Scale Up by Polska Przedsiębiorcza”.
    Realization: Piekarnia Putka sp. z. o.o.


  • Heat recovery installations from cogeneration engines for biogas plants. PZW Group has benefited from the experience and knowledge of its designers in the field of heating needs of biogas plants along with the specificity of pigsty operation. Taking the specific nature of biogas plant operation into account, we offer comprehensive hydraulic solutions with individual automation systems dedicated to biogas plants. The entire installation enables heat accumulation and its subsequent use.
    Realization: Biogazownie Małopolskie


  •  Management of the process of electricity, hot water and steam generation from 2x500kW cogeneration units and photovoltaic panels with a total capacity of 500kW in a manner tailored to the needs of a given plant. Our installation has been designed to entirely include and control the energy generation process based on the needs of a plant and its generation in the most beneficial manner, taking into account the current prices of energy purchase.
    Realization: Piekarnia Putka sp. z .o.o.


In view of our customers’ needs and the requirement of professional secrecy, sample photos of the abovementioned realizations are presented without quoting the content of the photos.

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Please do not hesitate to contact us